Medical Imaging Informatics Group

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Medical Imaing Informatics Group
Medical Imaing Informatics Group Trivandrum

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About Us

The 'Medical Imaging Informatics Group, Trivandrum', the advances in Information Technology have revolutionized the field of Radiology and Medical Imaging. RADINFO is a group of like minded scientists who are one or other way engaged in the field of Computers in Radiology. The group has organised a one day course on Computers in Radiology(RADINFO2004) in May 2004. In continuation to the above course and because of a felt need the group decided to hold a two day CME on Functional Neuroimaging and Image Processing. The goal of functional neuroimaging is to map the activity of the living brain in space and time. The gold standard for measuring brain cell activity is direct and invasive electrical recording of membrane potential of individual neurons; however, such measurements are limited to certain experimental conditions. To study the above Functional MRI(fMRI) was developed during last decade. The objective of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is to map active areas of the brain corresponding to specific tasks or stimuli. Interest in fMRI is growing rapidly since it is a noninvasive technique, provides excellent resolution, and can be performed on widely available instrumentation. Therefore, fMRI can be expected to play an increasing role in the neurosciences, as well as in clinical diagnosis and therapy of brain disorders. The image processing of fMRI data can be done using several image processing techniques. The most popular technique used widely by the neuro scientists is Statistical Parametric Mapping(SPM) developed by the Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, University College, London. SPM refers to the construction and assessment of spatially extended statistical processes used to test hypotheses about functional imaging data. These ideas have been instantiated in software that is called SPM. The SPM software package has been designed for the analysis of brain imaging data sequences. The sequences can be a series of images from different cohorts, or time-series from the same subject. Every clinician or a computer specialist working in the field of functional neuroimaging will be benefited if they use this wonderful tool for processing of the functional neuroimaging data.

Medical Imaging Informatics Group, Trivandrum
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Medical College PO, Trivandrum India